Partnership: Lavender.Five is an AAA rated validator

Staking Rewards awards Lavender.Five the highest rating for security, value add and reliability

As an institutional grade yet accesible non-custodial staking provider Lavender.Five provides a secure environment for 1000s of delegators worldwide. Beyond just staking we provide an extensive Infrastructure and tooling service suite to all our partners. We are happy to have received an AAA (triple-A) rating for our security, value-add and business operation as a validator. Read more about why we are a top-rated verified provider.

Consistent and secure bare-metal infrastructure

Lavender.Five operates on rented or owned bare-metal servers, allowing complete control over security and access. This setup significantly enhances security compared to traditional cloud models, as it ensures that only authorized personnel can access the servers. The infrastructure is distributed across four continents, with 24/7 secure remote management in place. Additionally, we implement robust key management practices to safeguard our signing and operator keys, ensuring the integrity and security of our validator operations.

Learn more about our validator security setup from our this article.

A(AA) top tier value-add package

Lavender.Five provides a range of value-added services, including open-source tooling, Ansible Playbooks, complete monitoring solutions using Prometheus and Grafana and much more to networks like Aptos, Aleo, Cosmos, Ethereum and many more. We also offer API, RPC, and gRPC services, along with pruned snapshots and addrbook backups for Cosmos networks, facilitating network peering and powering frontends for projects like Osmosis, Kujira and Archway. Lavender.Five is a leading IBC relayer, supporting 60+ networks and processing thousands of transactions monthly. We also contribute to open-source tools like the Cosmos Chain Registry and Tenderduty, and assist networks with genesis ceremonies and documentation. Lastly, our website serves as a resource hub, providing detailed dashboards, stake UIs, and educational content for all of our delegates.

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Industry leading operator knowledge and flexibility

Lavender.Five employs a highly skilled team with extensive knowledge in validator operations. Our key management and upgrade procedures are automated through Ansible playbooks, ensuring repeatability and reducing human error. We also have a proactive monitoring system in place to track performance and avoid downtime, further solidifying our operational excellence. By having engineers available 24/7 we can guarantee the highest uptime standards for our validators and RPCs optimizing the rewards and experience of our users.

Founder-owned ensures longevity and stability

Being a founder-owned company means Lavender.Five has the financial stability and runway to operate without the stress of external (market) pressures. This sustainable business model allows us to scale as a small team, ensuring our stakers receive consistent service with minimal risk of key exposure or loss of talent, issues that often plague larger teams. Our robust treasury enables us to self-fund our 100% downtime slash protection for all our delegates meaning every single stakers gets institutional grade security and risk management.

Due to our industry leading validator setup handling everything from keys, to monitoring and Lavender.Five has achieved an impressive AAA security rating. This recognition reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of security and reliability for our delegators. We are dedicated to sharing our expertise and tools with the community, ensuring transparency and trust in our operations.

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